Crown Street, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 1TH
01909 473655

Catch-Up Funding Plan 2020-2021

Following the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent closure of schools, the children and staff at Redlands Primary School have had to adapt as both learners and teachers to rely on blending learning: home-schooling, online learning platforms and remote teacher support as well as in-school education. This has meant that, unfortunately, some learning from the previous academic year has been lost.

At Redlands, our catch-up plan will be implemented to ensure children make accelerated progress to make up for any lost learning. This catch-up plan will focus on quality first teaching, classroom intervention, small group targeted support and 1-1 tuition with the child’s well-being at the centre of all we do.

To monitor and evaluate the impact of the catch-up funding we will assess all children each term.  In addition to this we will closely track and analyse the progress of children throughout the term and use pupil progress meetings to identify targeted groups and individuals.

The government have issued catch-up funding to support schools in closing the gap in learning. The amount of funding allocated is based on pupil numbers and is paid over two financial years. 

At Redlands we are receiving;

Sept 2020 - March 2021 -  £18,713

April 2021 - Aug 2021 - £13,287

Pupils in school


Catch-up premium allocation this academic year


Academic year or years covered by statement


Review date

September 2021

Catch-up premium lead

Laura Hollinger/Gemma Willford


We have used the government recommended, 'COVID-19 Support Guide for Schools' published by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) to identify the best strategies, based on long term research, that will enable us to achieve the most positive outcomes.




Time Scale


Expected Impact


High-quality 1:1 and small group

There is extensive evidence supporting the impact of high-quality 1:1 and small grouptuition as a catch-up strategy.

Daily 1:1 Switch-On reading with targeted children within each bubble.


Autumn/ Spring



No cost – using existing staff




Children will make accelerated progress in reading so that they are back on track to pre pandemic age related attainment.  The children’s confidence in reading will have improved.

Daily 1:1 phonic sessions in the afternoon with children year 2.





No cost – using existing staff



Targeted children will make accelerated progress and they will be back on track to meet their expected outcome.

Year 4 English catch-up sessions with targeted children to push for greater depth.






Autumn 2







The targeted children make accelerated progress to achieve GDS in reading and writing.

Y6 small group session to support targeted children in English and maths







Children will make good progress and meet national expectations or above in English and maths.  

We expect to close any gaps in these areas that may have occurred during the lockdown period.

Class teachers to be released (nursery to year 6) to carry out 1:1 or small group targeted support for a full half term. 

Spring 1 and 2





Targeted children will make accelerated progress and they will be back on track to meet their expected outcome. We also expect to close any gaps in the key areas of learning that may have occurred during the lockdown period.

Targeted support for FS children in relation to transition.






FS children will have a smooth transition into Y1.  Children will feel settled and confident to start their learning journey in Y1. Improved behaviour outcomes for targeted F2 children.

Intervention programmes


In order to support pupils who have fallen the behind furthest, structured interventions, which may also be delivered one to one or in small groups, are likely to be necessary.



RWI assisted blending and reading practice (p.m. catch-up in Year 1 and 2).





































Targeted children will make accelerated progress and they will be back on track to meet their expected outcome.


All children will make good progress.


Portable screen/computer



When working in small groups out of the classroom, children will have access to PowerPoint presentations and websites which will support their learning.

The purchase of laptops/ipads to support children with home learning.



Children who wouldn’t normally have access to technology at home are able to access home learning.

The purchase of ten 4G dongles so that we can distribute them to children who don’t have internet access at home.

Autumn 2



All children will have access to the internet so that they are able complete home learning if they are required to self isolate.

Supporting parents and carers




Parents have played a key role in supporting children to learn at home and it is essential that schools and families continue to work together as pupils return to school. Providing additional books and educational resources to families, with support and guidance, may also be helpful – for example, offering advice about effective strategies for reading with children.

To set up and distribute home learning packs to disadvantaged children to support home learning

Autumn 2








All children will have access to resources (such as pens, paper, glue sticks etc) so they can complete home work tasks and home learning if required.

To set up and distribute sports equipment packs to disadvantaged children to support physical education and healthy living at home.

Autumn 2



Disadvantaged children will have access to a variety of activities and equipment to support an active lifestyle.   Disadvantaged children will lead a more active lifestyle.

To set up and roll out the use of Oxford Owl home reading logins for all children in foundation stage and key stage one.


Autumn 2


Free resource


Children will have access to additional online reading books at home that are linked to the RWI programme.  Children will make good progress in reading and phonics.

To purchase and implement Doodle Maths, Spelling and English across the school.

Autumn 2


Children will access additional learning at home.  Increased enjoyment for children in home learning. Children will make good progress in key areas of learning and practise identified target skills.

The purchase of Read Write Inc. Book Bag Books (fiction and non-fiction) that match the children’s phonics knowledge to support reading at home.




Children will take home reading books that match their phonic knowledge as well as their chosen book banded book.   We expect to close any gaps in phonics that may have occurred during the lockdown period.  Children will make good progress in reading and phonics.

To purchase and implement Bug Club across the school.

Autumn 2


Children will access additional learning at home.  Increased enjoyment for children in home learning. Children will make good progress in reading.