01909 473655


Public Sector Equality Duty


Redlands Primary and Nursery School recognises that certain groups in society can be disadvantaged because of unlawful discrimination they may face due to their race, sex, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, religion or belief, sexual orientation, age, or pregnancy and maternity. 



The school has a range of policies which make explicit the school’s commitment to actively promoting equality of opportunity for all. The main policies that deal with equality of opportunity are:


·       British Values

·       Accessibility plan

·       Equality policy

·       SEND policy

·       Behaviour and anti-bullying policy

·       Religious Education Policy

·       Curriculum intents for each subject


We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school that cares for every individual child. In doing so, we promote and deliver a range of strategies to ensure that we comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty. Some of these include;


·       Active promotion of the school values: Positivity, Responsibility, Open-Mindedness, Unity and Determination (PROUD values) 

·       Unwavering inclusivity

·       Using a variety of high quality texts, resources and enhancements to support teaching, that are mapped out to consider diversity

·       Embedded use of the 1 Decision PSHE scheme which continually encourages and promotes the celebration of difference, tolerance and mutual respect

·       Diversity is becoming a key aspect of our curriculum design

·       Assemblies explore a breadth of national and international news stories and events

·       Weekly British Values assembly linked to celebrations and core values

·       Weekly Key Stage assemblies covering a diverse range of authors, characters and key events

·       Development of pupil voice to ensure that all groups are heard

·       Monitoring and evaluating the attainment and progress of all pupils; looking at the performance of particular groups who share a protected characteristic to compare their performance with those who do not share it

·       Supporting all staff and children to reach their potential

·       Interventions to maximise the progress of all groups of children

·       Curriculum trips that meet the needs of all children

·       Active promotion of the behaviour and anti-bullying policy and regular monitoring to identify patterns and concerns about any particular groups. Anti-bullying ambassadors support this

·       Active promotion of the attendance policy and regular monitoring to identify patterns and concerns about any particular groups



Equlaity Objectives 2024-2025

Objective 1: To reduce prejudice and increase understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion more specifically an understanding of race equality by the whole school community including SLT, Governors, staff, pupils and parents

Objective 2 To raise the attainment of White British Pupil Premium boys in writing

Objective 3: To improve curriculum provision in order to increase understanding of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging for all stakeholders including staff, pupils, governors and parents.


For further information regarding our equality objectives and our action plan please click the link below:

Equality Objectives Action Plan