01909 473655


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities



The SEND team leader at Redlands School is Miss Brownson (SENCO). Access our SEND information report which contains information about how we identify, support and monitor provision for children with special educational needs.


Other members of the SEND team are Mrs Hollinger and Mrs Willford (Head Teachers) and Mrs Reay (Parent Governor).


The SEND Local Offer will cover public services that are available within education: e.g. nurseries, playgroups, schools and colleges as well as support services like educational psychologists, early years and early intervention workers. It should also enable you to find out what support and services are available in the voluntary and private sectors, for example from charities and disability groups, nurseries, youth clubs etc, both in your immediate area and across Nottinghamshire.


Nottinghamshire Local Offer

Redlands Local Offer

Redlands SEND Information Report

 Special Educational Needs Policy

 Disability Equality Scheme & Access Plan


Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO)

Contact Details: Miss Brownson

Tel: 01909 473655

Email: senco@redlands.notts.sch.uk