At Redlands, it is our intent that Spanish is an exciting, inspiring, meaningful and memorable subject. The intent in lower KS2 is that children acquire basic skills and understanding in Spanish with a strong emphasis placed on developing their speaking and listening ability. These will be further developed in upper KS2 alongside reading and writing skills, gradually progressing to more complex language concepts.
Our intent is that all pupils will develop a genuine interest and positive curiosity about all languages, finding them enjoyable and stimulating. Through our Spanish scheme, we aim to inspire pupils to develop a love of languages and to expand their horizons to other countries, cultures and people. We intend to help children grow into curious, confident and reflective language learners and to provide them with a foundation that will equip them for further language studies.
All children will be working towards becoming life-long language learners and to be proud of all the other languages spoken by our children and their families at home. We place great emphasis on how speaking different languages has a positive impact for our children when making choices about their learning and when thinking about their future journey through secondary education and beyond.
In Key Stage 2, children will be taught Spanish for at least 30 mins per week through our progressive scheme of work. Each lesson will involve a mixture of reading, writing, speaking and listening skills and work is recorded in Spanish books most weeks. Alongside the units, children will sing songs and play games which link to the lesson's objective. This will ensure that Spanish lessons are meaningful and memorable.
In addition to formal Spanish lessons in Key Stage 2, core vocabulary will be visited outside of the lesson, through other means eg taking the register in Spanish, practising key questions while lining up for assembly, singing a song at the end of the day, classroom commands to focus children's attention and reference to Spanish displays in classroom environment.
Whilst the teaching of Spanish is not statutory in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, the children begin to use basic vocabulary including colours, numbers to 20, answering the register and learning about Spanish culture and customs. This is also done informally through songs, rhymes and games.
In addition to our long-term plan, we will also include some of the following into our teaching and learning: