01909 473655

CHILDCARE VOUCHERS: We do accept childcare vouchers as payment for Breakfast Club & Twilight Club. Please see school office staff for further details....



Twilight Club 


The Twilight Club Team

Pam Jackson & Sue Ball - Twilight Club Supervisors.



Welcome to Twilight Club

Our ‘Twilight Club' is held in the school hall on Mon-Friday. Please collect your children from the table-tennis centre entrance.
Twilight Club is open from Monday to Friday from 3:15pm – 5:30 p.m. (full session). It is available to parents on an 'as and when required' basis at a cost of £7.00 per day which includes a healthy snack. We also offer a shorter, half session from 3:15-4:15pm at a cost of £3.00 per day. Children attending full sessions are offered a healthy snack at 4:30pm daily. We politely request that you avoid collecting your child during snack time which is 4:30pm- 5:00pm. 

Parent/carers who would like their child to attend Twilight Club must pre-book at the school office, complete a monthly booking form or send your booking details to the twilight email address or hand in at the school office. 

A charge will be incurred if office/twilight staff are not given at least 24 hours notice of cancellations.


Other after-school clubs such as football, art or cricket etc are still available to children staying at Twilight Club for the full session, should children wish to attend them. They will then be delivered to Twilight Club where they will receive their healthy snack and enjoy time with friends in a relaxed and safe environment until collected by parents/carers.

Should you have any queries about details of the clubs arrangements and procedures please call in and see or contact us at/on:

Email twilight@redlands.notts.sch.uk or

Telephone 01909 473655 (School Office) 


Twilight Club Terms and Conditions                                                  Collection form


 Twilight Club Registration Form                                                      Monthly Booking Form