01909 473655


Friends of Redlands

With the help of the staff at school, Friends of Redlands (FOR) raise additional money through fundraising activities such as the Christmas Fayre and school discos.  This money is then spent on the children for those extra special treats including Year 6 Leavers Party, Y2 SATs Treat, contributions towards all school trips , Christmas presents and a Panto, plus much more.

If you are a parent/carer at Redlands and you are interested in joining, or would like to find out more about FOR then please call in to the office or email :office@redlands.notts.sch.uk and we will get in touch asap. Without more support, some of our events will not be possible, so please come along and support your PTA.


Next Event: Christmas Fayre:  Thursday 5th December, 5pm-7pm :)

2018 was a fantastic night of Christmas shopping from over 25 stallholders, refreshments in Mrs Claus' kitchen and a visit from Santa in his Grotto!  This amazing night raised ÂŁ1,985 with a profit of ÂŁ1,279 after costs.  




January 2019 - FOR funded the pantomime for the whole school to enjoy.











                                                                                        December 2018: Christmas Fayre